Month: November 2006

  • How To keep that in-box organized !

    This is the follow-up in the organizing your everyday life series. How to keep control of that pesky in-box filling up with e-mails. Get a spamfilter. Getting a spam filter, either by installing thirdparty filtering software, or using an e-mail client with a built in filter is a lifesaver. Most filters greatly reduce the number…

  • Power up the terminal with Aliases !

    A little quick trick on how to add some nifty aliases for your terminal. What is an alias exactly. Well it’s another name for a specific command. A common alias e.g. could be to be able to type ‘dir’ (windows/DOS style) to list the directory content instead of ‘ls’. Then you make an alias saying…

  • Use your own scripts in Ubuntu

    Sometimes tedious tasks can be simplified by writing a simple bash script to perform them. Now i will not go into details on how to write scripts in Bash, but instead show how you can easily make your scripts available from anywhere in your terminal. First off open up a terminal, and in your home…

  • Take control of your CPU in Ubuntu!

    I recently was investigating for no apparent reason if my cpu (core 2 duo) was running at full speed. Also looking for ways to manage speeds, and fan control in Ubuntu. What i found was the following. You can add an applet to your panel that shows the CPU temperature. Right click on the panel,…

  • How to get everything you planned done 101

    this is the first of a series of articles on how to get your tasks done in reasonable time. There is a lot of long books, articles and I’m sure seminars and such around this subject. How to organize your everyday life ect. What I’m going to do is simply list my own personal tips…

  • Funny how this happens every year 😉

    Okay self promition is a virtue 😉 Its the grand old day each year when we can all say in a loud voice; Happy Birthday !! So lets all celebrate, get drunk (on your own bill of course) and have a good one ! 😀

  • Oz Pearlman Interview

    Hey guys. Sorry about the late posting, but i had trouble finding time to edit it a little. There was some noise on the beginning and end (namely me talking), what i wanted to edit out. Of course i had problems each time i tried to edit it 😀 Anyhow here is the ultrashort “interview”…

  • iTunes 7.0.2 Released!

    It seems an update for iTunes is available now. I hope this fixes performance issues im having with it on windows. The only thing i use it for right now is basically synching with iPod.. nothing gets played because it’s too slow to be useable. “iTunes 7.0.2 adds support for the Second Generation iPod shuffle…