Audiobooks on my iPod

Okay today i discovered what i thought didnt exist. I have some books in mp3 format, but it was so annoying to make playlist for each book, and having them mix in when i decided to shuffle all songs.

Then i finally found the solution. MP3 to iPod Audio Book Converter

With this lovely little open source application you can take your audiobooks, in whatever format you might have them in, and convert it into bookmarkable m4b files for your iPod. This means that not only will your iPod remember your last listening position in the book, but also display it under audiobooks rather than regular music.
Furthermore should your book be devided into a number of seperate mp3 files, the converter will fuse these together for easy seamless listening.

So far im enjoying it intensively when im biking to and from work, since listening to music actually got a bit boring imho. But listening to a good book (reccomend Terry Pratchets Discworld books) can put a smile on your face 😀






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